Most guys you see out there are either potbellied agbalagbas or skinny twigs who look like they could be carried away by the wind at a moment’s notice.
Guys see the male models on TV and how they attract legions of women by just raising their shirt; or those big buff bouncers who intimidate everybody with their huge chests and arms.
Then these guys decide they want some of that action; so they rush to buy a gym membership and some protein shakes, try to haphazardly do some exercises and weight lifting, and then ……………………they finally give up after a week because they aren’t seeing quick results they wanted and they lack the discipline to see anything to the end.
Does this remind you of someone? Maybe a friend, family member, class mate? Maybe it even reminds you of yourself.
The men, who do have the discipline to consistently work out, go about it completely in the wrong way. They either take fitness advice from friends and family who are in no better shape themselves, or …….they some new follow one new, scam like, 6 packs in 3 weeks exercise program online (which will do a lot more harm to their bodies than good).
I’m going to start off with some of the top mistakes guys make as they embark on their body building campaigns and then………………………….
I’m going to show you how to effectively go about building all that huge, thick, lean muscle you’ve always dreamed off.
Mistake 1: Looking For Quick Results
Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will your body.A major mistake men make when body building is looking for immediate muscle growth and progress. In fact this is the biggest cause of guys quitting on their exercise campaigns.
You will see a guy who wants to put on 25 kg, go to the gym and lift weights during the span of 2 hours only for 1 week, then he will look in the mirror expecting a miracle to have happened to his body.
After finding out he still looks exactly the same way he did a week ago, he will say body building isn’t meant for him, and proceed to quit.
It’s called Body Building for a reason, not body quick results.
Results will come after weeks of hard work and dedication, and the only way you are going to get through those weeks is if you are disciplined and you learn to enjoy the process of working out.
Try keeping a journal of how much weight you can lift and how many reps you can do, then gradually increase the reps or the amount of weight as you get stronger.
And as you get stronger you will start to see and feel the difference in your body, people will start complementing you more, and maybe just maybe, you might be able to make girls go wild by just taking off your shirt too.
Mistake 2: Too Much Info, Not Enough Action
I’m sure you’ve seen a hundred different exercise plans and routines; a hundred different variations of the same exercises too I’m sure. But how many of them have you actually put into action? Not many I guess.When I first started exercising, I subscribed to and read all the men’s fitness and health magazines that were available at the time. I was always looking for the newest workout routine, the latest fitness trend and that magic pill that would give me a Greek god like body, without all the herculean work.
But, I never started any of them seriously.
I never started eating healthy or actually going to the gym to try any of those routines.
I was just happy consuming endless amounts of information; all the while deceiving myself that I was actually doing something.
All the workout routines and diet plans in the world won’t help you if you don’t have the will to do something about it.
Fat people know they should eat less and exercise more, but they still consume endless amounts of junk food, and the only time they lift weights is when they lift that hamburger into their mouth.
And skinny people know they should eat more and hit the gym too, but you still see them eating crap like garri, indomie and so on. No wonder they still look like Justin Bieber.
So next time you hear about a new training program or diet plan, actually put it into action before quitting and moving on to the next one; Okay.
Mistake 3: Doing the Wrong Kind Of Exercises
Different weight loss or weight gain goals, call for different exercises.A man who’s just trying to shed a few grams of fat, a guy who’s trying to develop a sexy male physique and a guy who is just trying to keep fit have totally different goals. And as such they will need to do different exercises go achieve their goals.
If you’re trying to build muscle, it will be more effective to lift heavy weights in the low rep range, with 3 sets maximum. If it’s fat you want to burn, high intensity cardio exercises like skipping, and jogging is the way to go.
And if you’re just trying to keep fit, any regular old exercise is god enough as long as you’re actively doing something.
That means if you’ve been doing the wrong kind of training for your bodybuilding goals, you’re going to see very little progress or growth, if any at all.
So be clear about what your training goals are, then pick the right kind of diet and exercise plan and only then will you start to see the kind of results you want.
Mistake 4: Training Each Body Part Only Once a Week
Yes, our bodies do need to recover after an intense workout session, but most men take the rest or recovery period way too far. You’ll see some guys work out their legs and chests on Monday and then say to themselves“Mehn I’ve really worked out my legs, now they need a long rest” and they end up not working out their legs again till another week has passed.
Lifting weights causes the muscle fibers in your body to tear, and as your body repairs itself, the muscles get stronger and bigger (just like the way scar tissue forms on our bodies).
So it’s important to actually rest after exercising, but between 24 to 48 hours is adequate enough. Anymore and you aren’t working your muscles hard enough.
Usually I work out the same muscle groups every other day. I also leave Sunday out just to reset my body before the next week.
Mistake 5: Lack Of Consistency And Procrastination
“I’ll start my training program fully next month”“I’ve missed Monday and Tuesday already, I think I’ll just forget it and start fresh again next week”
or the worst of them which is
“I really don’t have the time to go and work out”.
The funny thing is that there will never be time, you’ll still miss another two days and have to start fresh, and one month of postponing could lead to a whole year without starting.
You can’t expect to exercise halfheartedly only once a week, and expect to grow miraculous muscles. That’s like saying you want to get paid salary only once a year, but you still want to get rich from your job. It’s practically impossible.
Light weights and simple exercises done consistently on a regular basis will do you much more good than a spontaneous, once a month intense work out session.
And when you do intense workouts consistently too, well guess what you’re on your way to Greek god like body.
With consistency you’re more likely to develop a lifelong habit of exercising and healthy living than just doing a set of bench presses every other month; because it’s easier to build exercising momentum and stick to it than it is to keep starting all over again.
So please don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today, just keep at it and you will begin to see results.
An aesthetic, strong physique is something to be proud of and it is very achievable if you really want it.
The question is, do you really want it? Well only you can answer that question.
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