Saturday, 17 June 2017


Hi Damsels!
Kids of nowadays can pose for Africa! Lol… The good thing about their various posing in pictures is that they showcase the swag they’ve got. Honestly, it’s not enough to have that very beautiful outfit and nice camera without adding life to a pix. Of course we are not dealing with a lifeless image, we are dealing with happy humans here.
Two very spectacular individuals who see themselves as one, have won our hearts on this day. They are no other persons that the beautiful Trueblue Twins, Megan and Morgan.
Megan and Morgan popularly known as the Trueblue Twins on Instagram, are twins you can’t joke with, in the aspect of lovely outfits and selfies. They keep wowing everyone of us with their very unique outfits.
Another unique thing about these lovely twins is that they are just too nonidentical and have a striking resemblance with top American celebrity, Rihanna, especially when their mum decides to be a little crafty with making them up. They have on several occasions, modeled same outfits as Rihanna, and Rihanna in earnest, either looks like a real mum to them or one of the triplets.
Trust me, it’s so lovely when you find your look-alike, especially when your look-alike equally has some qualities you are proud of. Besides, they’ve got very beautiful blues eyes. I guess this has earned them the name, the Trueblue Twins.
Of course, seeing is believing. That is why we won’t just stop at words alone. We will always buttress our points with various proofs, especially lovely pictures. To this effect, below are some very cute pictures of the spectacular Trueblue Twins, Megan and Morgan, our kiddies style crush;
Style 1

Style 2

Style 3

Style 4

Style 5

Style 6

The Trueblue twins are indeed, the kiddies style crush to behold!


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