We put a lot into our hair, as africans we have kinky hairs so our number one priority is to get the right hair treatment and daily regimen. As a millennial you need to understand that there is a certain level of commitment that you put into your hair care, remember they say “the hair is the beauty of a woman” therefore to maintain this beauty you have to put in a lot of work.
To maintain a healthy hair we need to understand that there are certain hairstyles that we need to avoid, also there are certain vitamins that we might actually need to be able to keep our hair in the best condition. Now that you understand that you need to take care of your hair, then you need to know the type of hairstyles that you can make when you’ve run out of idea. Here are some cute hairstyles that you can try this week;Yarn Hairstyle
The yarn hairstyles have an african origin, it is a look that was rocked ages ago before the arrival of the westerners and now it has been revived in the most adorable way.
Faux Locs and Fade
Not everyone wants an original locks and not everyone wants a simple faux dread locks hair style, if you want something fun then this look is for you.
Natural Bun
Never underestimate the power of simplicity, keeping your natural hair tight up in a fro bun might just be the look you need this week.
Box Braids
Braids are very chic and they are one of the oldest hairstyle in the hairstyle book, why not go for a big box braid this week.
Weave & Closure
Weaves made into wigs are just superb when you want to look sleek but cant be bothered with making your hair. Go for one with a closure that resembles your scalp.
Natural Mo-Hawk
Many are blessed with full natural hair and you can create fabulous styles from it just like this mohawk style below.
Corn-Rows with a Twist
The usual corn rows won’t always do, you’ll need something a bit more creative and this style below is just perfect.
Sometimes you can’t tell between a good ol’ plain yarn hairstyle or faux locs and this is because they are almost always one and the same. Try a faux locks hairstyle made with yarn this week.
Dutch Braid with a Twist
The dutch braid isn’t just two huge cornrows anymore, now you have the advantage of having more than one rows in a single braids.
Yarn Twist
Yarns have certainly come to stay and one of the fabulous ways you can make use of the yarn if to use it for a twist out.
What do you think of this african braids hairstyles? Leave your . in the comment section below.
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