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Ma Divas!
In the past, we used to have various plus-size ladies giving reasons or excuses why they can’t slay in well fitting outfits. Well, the hands of time has really turned, as ladies, both slender and plus-size chic’s now know that the excuses have really run out. Yes! The idea that a woman can’t be plus-sized and stylish just doesn’t exist anymore and in its place.
Well if you ask me, I would say that some of the most stylish women today are just that. Of course, what I mean is this; the great thing about being fuller figured is that even though not everything will suit us, let’s be honest, not everything suits them either, we get so good at knowing how to alter certain items to fit us.
I strongly believe that this is how any true fashionista is born; taking something totally blah and making it bomb, making everything around you very stylish by being exclusively creative with yourself.
Various inspirations keep springing up, as people are being extremely stylish as the days go by. Now, we get so stylish with our Ankara outfits. Well, it’s not just about rocking these outfits, but it’s about making heads turn to ask questions and collect contacts.
To this effect, the plus-sized beauties need to rock Ankara styles or outfits that will make them look real bad and boujie in a very good way. Here are some Ankara styles or outfit inspiration for the plus-size beauties that will make them look bad and Boujie;
Style 1:
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Style 6
Boujie means Classy, while Bad is code for ‘so good. These Ankara styles tell it all!
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