i Damsels!
Some of us may be wondering what chemical peels really are. Well, here’s a simple meaning to this; Chemical peels are liquids brushed on to the face to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new cells.
The aim of this cosmetic procedure is to improve the appearance of the facial skin – for example, by reducing age spots and evening out skin tone. It’s equally a way of skin lightening, as new skin cells emerge for a better skin glow after it is done.
Here is what you need to know about chemical peels; Although these are actually effective, but may involve some risks.
Superficial peels involve the following; skin cells removed from the top layer of skin (epidermis), left on the skin for a few minutes, skin may feel tight for a couple of hours afterwards and regular treatment is needed to maintain the effects.
Here, the skin cells are removed from the top and middle layers of skin, left on the skin for a few minutes. A burning or stinging sensation may be felt when the peel is applied. Besides, skin may go brown or red in the days afterwards. It can take up to six weeks for the skin to return to normal. Treatment is equally needed every six to twelve months to maintain the effects.
This affects deeper layers of skin. A local anesthetic and sedative may be needed, a freezing sensation may be felt when the peel is applied, it can be left on the face for thirty minutes or more, depending on the desired effect. Your heart and blood pressure need to be monitored as phenol, the chemical used, can cause dangerous effects on the heart and kidneys thus, you should expect some peeling, redness and discomfort for a few days. Swelling can last up to two weeks, skin redness can last up to three months, it often results in lightening of the skin, so it’s not really suitable for darker skin. It’s a one-off treatment with lasting effects, and so doesn’t usually need to be repeated.
You should be mindful of what is really involved in chemical peels!
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