Sunday, 11 June 2017


Hey Lovelies

Having being a christian all my life its easy to say I am already an Icon when it comes to helping people figure out what to wear to church. You see when it comes to dressing up for church there are quite a few applications that one must seek out especially if you are a new christian.
For some reason a lot of people find it difficult to style their looks on Sunday, they almost always end of going through different pieces. At the close of the search they just end up picking whatever they lay their hands on as its obvious too much time has been wasted already.
How can you save time and still look good to church? Here are a few pointers that you should take note of;
*  The church is a place of worship and praise and one of the standards they hold dear is “MODESTY”. For churches everything one does should be kept under measure and thus this term is a watch word in all churches.
*  Depending on the type of church you attend, service could either last a few hours a day or the whole day; whether or not its a few or more than a few hours has nothing to do with this next keyword which is “COMFORT”. Being comfortable is a very important criteria for what you wear to church
If you are uncomfortable you would be distracted and if you are distracted then you wouldn’t have heard the word and so whatever you put on has to be comfortable.
*  The next key term is “SUNDAY BEST”… a church is a place for worship and thanksgiving, it is also a place where one should dress neatly and/or well to show that he/she is thankful.
With is few pointers its safe to say your church outfit this sundae would be one to see… Well we believe you are creative enough but let these church outfit ideas nudge you along the part of authenticity:
Which church outfit idea has inspired you? Tell us in the comment section below.


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