Sunday, 11 June 2017


Hey Lovelies

Its another edition of bridal ornaments according to some of the popular tribes in Nigeria; prior to today’s post we’ve brought you the Igbo bridal ornaments and the Efik bridal ornaments, today its all about the Benin bride and we are showing you the Edo bridal ornaments.
The Edo/benin people are one of the popular tribes in Nigeria, who’s history can be traced, before Nigeria became one country the Benin kingdom was such a big empire that was known across other lands. When studying about Nigeria history the Benin people are mentioned a foremost.
Just like many tribes in Nigeria the benin/edo people have an amazing culture when it comes to their wedding and their bridal traditional wedding attires are super beautiful.
Benin/Edo brides always look regal in their red velvet and coral embellished accessories. Here are some edo brides in their ornaments;
Edo Bridal Ornaments Look-Book
There are so many ways a bride can glam up her look, here are the edo bridal ornaments you should see if you are an edo woman.
Weddings ceremonies across the world is a beautiful thing and I would say most especially in Nigeria as we are of diverse cultures religion and tribe. This diversity is where our strength lie’s and you can see it coming to play at wedding ceremonies.
The art of getting married in various traditions means the joining of families and communities, marriage is sacred because it carries so much weight not just on those who are getting married but on their families as well as the people around them.
We at Madivas bring you inspirations, and even if you are not an edo/benin women you can be inspired by the beauty of their culture.


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